Image Source: MSNBC.com
A few weeks ago while channel surfing in some hotel during a business trip I was stopped short by a close up shot of Lou Dobbs on CNN. I don't watch much of Lou Dobbs Tonight because I don't have much patience for self-important grandstanding. So maybe this dye job he is sporting isn't news to folks, but it jolted me a bit. I remember Lou being pretty gray up top ~7 years ago when he was doing CNN's Moneyline News Hour and launching Space.com.

Image Source: CNN
So to see him with a rejuvenated thatch of red hair was a surprise.
After processing the shock, I thought to myself that this is generally sad, but I'm not sure what exactly is the saddest part:
- Is it a national "news" figure so vain and insecure that he feels compelled to dye his hair and is perhaps deluded enough to think people don't notice that he is dyeing his hair?
- Or is it the likelihood that if he didn't dye his hair an even smaller share of the American "news" viewing public would tune into his program because, for a depressingly large percentage of people, surface appearances trump content quality when determining which channel to watch.
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