Image Source: Wiki24
This thought occurred to me on February 9th, but apparently I was waaay behind on connecting these dots. Not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing. But I did a search on it this morning to see just how wide spread the thinking was. Here's what I found:
* An article at TheSimon.com by Lucia Bozzola, dated 1/30/2007
* And now 84,200 search results for Obama David Palmer
* Including a Newsweek article dated 2/11/08
I'm not sure what to make of this yet.
i have the same thought too. When I saw Obama, I associated him with David Palmer in "24". And I think the TV series helped Obama's populority. p.s I am not American and not in US....but i watched all "24"
Thanks, Raymond. Not sure if it helped his popularity, but I do wonder if it helped expand people's conception of what leadership might look like.
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