The spot was for Presto, which lets you "send email and photos to people who don't have a computer". I haven't been able to find it on YouTube yet, but the 'view demo' link on the Presto site provides a good approximation for it.
The net message is 'Do you have a weak, feeble minded, lazy moron that you know couldn't possibly understand something as complicated as a computer? Would you like to send pictures to that moron every now and then? Of course you would. Lucky for you that we are selling this ugly grey box for only $150 plus $10/month for 'service'. Nevermind that you could FedEx pictures to your moron twice a month for the same amount of money, Presto is a great deal."
Here are some key frames from the online 'dramatization' of the commercial:
Frame 1: Mom is an easily flustered dullard

Frame 2: Mom is such a moron it would be a crazy time suck to have to try and teach her how to use a computer

Frame 3: Everything could be so much better if Mom had a magic photo box in her parlor

Frame 4: Mom almost has a heart attack because the magic machine from the future is trying to show her something

Frame 5: Mom and Dad chuckle together in relief once they realize the magic box is friendly and doesn't mean them any harm

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