Monday, July 16, 2007

These People Are Horrible:

Full disclosure: I work in advertising and fully believe in democratic capitalism, so I absolutely support the right of shallow, cynical hacks to develop and run corrupting, crap ads. But that doesn't mean I'm not disgusted when I see something so grossly manipulating and exploitative as the garbage that Sales Genie is currently airing. These haven't made YouTube yet, but if you are interested, click the "Watch our National TV Commercial" link on their site and judge for yourself. This is just one of a series of just despicable spots using 'adorable toddlers' who deliver lines like the following in a Cindi Brady-like lisp for extra smaltz effect:

"My daddy is a salesman. How much money he makes depends upon how much he sells. Last year he worked WEALLY hard. But he didn't make a lot of money."

I also believe in the karmic principle that those who "sow evil shall reap evil", and the asshats behind the current SaleGenie dreck can't have enough blight befall them for uncorking upon us such a purely rotten ad campaign.

Update: 8/3/07 - I just learned through AdHole that the offending Salesgenie commercial is on YouTube. Or, see it below.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

What Will People Think of Today's TV in 2037?
Consider "Alice" in 1977 for Perspective

While doing some random channel surfing a few days ago I stopped for a few minutes of Alice, the Linda Lavin and Vic Tayback vehicle about a hardscrabble yet lovable lout [Mel] who runs his Phoenix diner with the same gruff bravado he used to run his kitchen in the Navy.

I vaguely remember laughing along with the Mel, Alice and Flo hijinks as the show went into syndication in the mid / late 80s. But then I wasn't approaching my youthful TV watching in those days with an especially enlightened or critical mind and, besides, 'times were different'. But, wow, seeing this show in 2007 and realizing it was a big, national hit for 10 years makes you realize just how much times have changed in 30 years. Some of the lines from the episode that I stumbled upon recently, Mel's Cup, were stunningly dated when heard in today's world. For example, when it is realized that the ladies of the diner have misplaced Mel's cherished boxing cup, they express real fear that Mel is going to physically harm them. They were talking matter-of-factly about the chances of Mel putting a real beating on them for this transgression. Whoa. Surely some of the comedy here was exaggeration, yadda yadda yadda, but still, can you imagine that kind of storyline today? Not quite.

Note: clip above is just of the Season 1 intro, as I could not find any clips from the actual "Mel's Cup" episode itself.

You Should Be Watching Googlecurrent

The Google Current segments are consistently solid, but recently I saw one that was extra brilliant. Subjects of their satire this time: national advertising campaigns and promotional efforts of Georgia and Israel.

A couple of quotes that will come off much better if you watch the full video at [annoying that their embeddable videos aren't full clip]:

"Coming to Israel based upon a few pictures I saw in Maxim was the best decision of my life."

"The women are so hot here things just blow up when they walk by. Which is all the time. I'm going to retire here as soon as my Georgia investment money pays off."

But clip below gives you good sense of the primary comedy value.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

You Have to Love the Holiday Inn Express Commercials

I don't think I'll ever stay at a Holiday Inn Express as my life just never takes me in that direction where it's an option. But if the choice ever did come down between HEI and a La Quinta or a Residence Inn or whatever else you might find in the smaller cities of America, these commercials would definitely tip the scales. The lead guy is freaking brilliant.

"A little stock car humor there"

"I'm getting that sound in my head again ... every time you argue with me"

"So, in the end, it wasn't a half bad trip"

"She's crowing about her accomplishments on the World Wide Net Web"

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Underrated Old SNL Skit:
'Who's More Grizzled?"

I think this skit appeared in more than one show, but I can't say for certain. Below is the only one I found in a quick search of YouTube. Love the exchange between 4:55 and 5:10 of the clip [Note: it's 4:55 - 5:10 on YouTube, or 1:17 - 1:02 in the embed below].